LIVE! #40
3 April 2022


  • Why We're Here

  • Literary Forensics
  •     - What do I bring?
  •     - What do I feel?
  •     - What do I notice?
  •     - What do I study?

  • Next Month's Reading & Study

Why We're Here

We Writers want to improve our craft

by Reading like a Writer

through Literary Forensics training

we learn from each other

Roundtable Rules

Always refer back to the book

We practice active listening & serendipity

Every feeling and observation is valid...
but not every conclusion

Always refer back to the book

Literary Forensics


What do I bring?

What do I feel?

What do I notice?

What do I study?

Literary Forensics


What do I bring?

What do I feel?

What do I notice?

What do I study?


What do I bring
to this book?

Meet today's author: Damon Galgut

  • Writes longhand on notebooks for first two complete drafts,
    then transfers it to the computer

  • The Promise
  • - Primary motivation: Depicting time and the passage of time
  • - Secondary inspiration: Friend who related stories of four funerals

  • Other books
  • - 1st novel @ age 17
  • - 9 novels: The Good Doctor and In a Strange Room shortlisted for Booker Prize
  • - 4 plays

Literary Forensics


What do I bring?

What do I feel?

What do I notice?

What do I study?

What do I feel?

What in the book elicited that feeling?

Every feeling and observation is valid...
but every conclusion should be questioned

We practice serendipity
- nothing is too crazy

Always refer back to the book

Literary Forensics


What do I bring?

What do I feel?

What do I notice?

What do I study?

What do I notice?

  •    • Language and Grammar

  •    • Context

  •    • Point of view

  •    • Character & character development

  •    • Pacing

  •    • Horizontal structure

  •    • Layering of themes

  •    • Overall effect

Literary Forensics


What do I bring?

What do I feel?

What do I notice?

What do I study?

The Promise - Stats

  • Marketing: Family Saga Fiction, Family Life Fiction, Literary Fiction
  • Genre: Recent Historical Archplot Longform
  • Print Pages: 256
  • Word count: 84,068; Avg. wds/sent.: 11.87
  • Reading Level: Grade 7; Lexical Density: 45.07
  • Flesch Reading Ease: 76.91

  • POV: Omniscient; Person: 3rd; Tense: Present

  • Publish date: April 6, 2021
  • Publisher: Europa Editions
  • Sold By: Europa Editions
  • Audio book narr.: Peter Noble (9 hrs: 37 mins)

  • Awards 2021 Booker Prize



Pa's Funeral

Literary Forensics


What do I bring?

What do I feel?

What do I notice?

What do I study?

Writers Who Read: Coming Up

May 1: Intimacies - Katie Kitamura (USA, 2021)
June 5: Crossroads - Jonathan Franzen (USA, 2021)

Thanks to: Boulder Writers Alliance

Contact Gary:
Literary Forensics Resources
