LIVE! #31
2 May 2021


  • Why We're Here

  • Literary Forensics
  •     - What do I bring?
  •     - What do I feel?
  •     - What do I notice?
  •     - What do I study?

  • Next Month's Reading & Study

Why We're Here

We Writers want to improve our craft

by Reading like a Writer

through Literary Forensics training

we learn from each other

Roundtable Rules

Always refer back to the book

We practice active listening & serendipity

Every feeling and observation is valid...
but not every conclusion

Always refer back to the book

Literary Forensics


What do I bring?

What do I feel?

What do I notice?

What do I study?

Literary Forensics


What do I bring?

What do I feel?

What do I notice?

What do I study?


What do I bring
to this book?

Today's author: Elena Ferrante

  • Elena Ferrante is a pseudonym
  • Author of 9 novels and 2 books of letters, interviews, columns

  • Her identity is a closely-guarded secret by her publishers:
  • - Edizione E/O (Italy) Sandro and Sandra Ferri
  • - Europa Editions (US) Michael Reynolds
  • - and translator Ann Goldstein

  • Is she novelist Domenico Starnone?
  • IDed in 2005 by literary critic using pattern recognition

  • Is she translator Anita Raja?
  • IDed in 2016 by reporter tracking bank records

  • Starnone and Raja are married

"I describe common experiences, common wounds, and my biggest worry—not the only one—is to find a tone in writing that can remove, layer by layer, the gauze that binds the wound and reach the true story of the wound. The more deeply hidden the wound seems—by stereotypes, by the fictions that the characters themselves have tacked on to protect themselves; in other words, the more resistant it seems to the story—the harder I insist. Beautiful writing doesn’t interest me; writing interests me."

- Elena Ferrante, Fragments of Memory

"I don’t like the impressionistic type of critical work. I don’t like it when a text is taken as an occasion for talking about something else. I prefer works that concentrate on the page, that rigorously analyze the expressive strategies of the writer. A good critical work says to the reader: here’s where the author started from, here’s where he wanted to take me, here are the means he used, here are the goals he was aiming for, here are his debts to tradition, here’s why I liked or hated it."

- Elena Ferrante

"Reading is an extraordinary exercise. It doesn’t come naturally; it requires commitment—you have to transform pages crammed with signs into worlds full of life. But once reading has become an intellectual necessity, you can no longer do without it. I’m a very involved, disciplined, collaborative reader. I never abandon a book; even if I don’t like it, I read it to the last line. I always learn something. And I get enthusiastic—perhaps excessively so—when a book is a happy surprise. I recently read a novel that I thought was excellent. I read it in Italian, but I’d like to try to read it in English; I liked its tone very much. It’s called Outline, by Rachel Cusk."

- Elena Ferrante

Literary Forensics


What do I bring?

What do I feel?

What do I notice?

What do I study?

What do I feel?

What in the book elicited that feeling?

Every feeling and observation is valid...
but every conclusion should be questioned

We practice serendipity
- nothing is too crazy

Always refer back to the book

Literary Forensics


What do I bring?

What do I feel?

What do I notice?

What do I study?

What do I notice?

  •    • Language and Grammar

  •    • Context

  •    • Point of view

  •    • Character & character development

  •    • Pacing

  •    • Horizontal structure

  •    • Layering of themes

  •    • Overall effect




Bleeding or Dissolving
margins or boundaries



Acquiring density is one of Ferrante's writing techniques illustrating the unknowability of characters’ minds.

“What decides the success of a character is often half a sentence, a noun, an adjective that jams the psychological machine like a wrench thrown into the works and produces an effect that is no longer that of a well-regulated device but of flesh and blood, of genuine life, and therefore incoherent and unpredictable.”
- Elena Ferrante

Acquiring Density




Aunt Vittoria
God & Death

Literary Forensics


What do I bring?

What do I feel?

What do I notice?

What do I study?

The Lying Lives of Adults - Stats

  • Marketing: Psychological Fiction, Coming of Age Fiction, Contemporary Women Fiction
  • Genre: Realistic Historical Arch-Plot Long-Form
  • Word count: 99,900
  • Print Pages: 325
  • Reading Level: 10th-11th grade

  • POV: Giovanna

  • Publish date: September 1, 2020
  • Publisher: Europa Editions
  • Sold By: Penguin Group USA
  • Audio book narration: Marisa Tomei

  • Best Book of 2020: The Washington Post, Oprah Magazine, TIME Magazine, NPR, People Magazine, The New York Times Critics, Financial Times, The Guardian, Times UK, Irish Times, New York Post, Kirkus Reviews, Toronto Star, The Globe and Mail, Harper’s Bazaar
  • Upcoming Netflix series

Literary Forensics


What do I bring?

What do I feel?

What do I notice?

What do I study?

Writers Who Read: Coming Up

June 6: The Vanishing Half - Brit Bennett (USA, 2020)
- Summer Break -
September 5: Shuggie Bain - Douglas Stuart (USA, 2020)
October 3: Hamnet - Maggie O'Farrell (UK, 2020)
November 7: Inside Story - Martin Amis (UK, 2020)
December 5: Deacon King Kong - James McBride (USA, 2020)

Thanks to: Boulder Writers Alliance

Contact Gary:
Literary Forensics Resources
